WTBA USA Instructors

Note: ALL instructors were certified by Erle or Eli Montaigue. Current certification MUST be witnessed and approved by Eli Montaigue. For details on certification contact Eli HERE


Brian Alexander: 3rd Degree

WTBA USA Chief Instructor                                                                                                 Successor President, Owner and Senior Master at Park's Martial Arts                                                 Address: 419 East Main Street Salisbury, MD, 21804                                                               Phone: 410-749-4888     Fax: 410-749-4449   

E-mails: info@wtbausa.com or info@parksmartialarts.com                                                                  Websites: www.wtbausa.com  and www.parksmartialarts.com                                                                                                  



James Yamakawa: 2nd Degree

Park's Martial Arts HQ/ Salisbury, MD - Mondays and Wednesdays 8-9 p.m.
Henson Family YMCA/ Salisbury, MD - Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-10:30a.m.
Zenna Wellness Studio/ Berlin, MD -Tuesday 7:30-8:30p.m.
E-mail: jamesgyamakawa@gmail.com

Phone: 443-235-4608


Ron McCracken: 1st Degree
Yi's Karate of Vineland Lincoln Plaza Lincoln & Landis Avenues Vineland,
NJ Sunday mornings 9a-11a
contact: e-mail: rmccracken768@comcast.netor
phone: 609-319-0764
teaching: WTBA Old Yang Style Taijiquan


Tyler Trainer: 1st Degree                                                                                                                 Park's Martial Arts HQ/ Salisbury, MD                                                                                             Zenna Wellness Studio/ Berlin, MD                                                                        tyler.trainer@yahoo.com

Jose I. Gonzalez: 1st Degree
New York City
josegonzalezwtba@gmail.com P: +1 (646) 820-8653 www.josegonzalezhealth.com


Thomas Mazzaferro: 1st Degree
1237 Central Ave. Albany, NY 12205


Nathan Johnson & Mike Rowan: 1st Degree
Provo, Utah, USA
Offering Public and Private Classes based on WTBA Curriculum
For up to date information visit: http://www.FreedomFlowllc.com/Health-Wellness
Nathan: NathanJohnson@FreedomFlowllc.com, 801-477-7686
Mike: volcanoc@gmail.com, 801-787-5577

Aaron Perdue: 1st Degree
A Martial Artist and Qigong Healer with over 10+ years of experience in a variety of disciplines, he is a certified instructor through the W.T.B.A.
He teaches private lessons and public classes; both in healing meditation and W.T.B.A Taijiquan
He is located in Minneapolis, Mn
He can be contacted at 612-275-5058, his Facebook page, or his website:


Wayne Wolfe: 1st Degree
Email: WayneAWolfe@aol.com
Website: http://taichiinternational.com/


Sam Wiley: 3rd Degree
phone: 404-554-5085
Old Yang Style Taiji and Jiang Rong-jiao Bagua
And I am currently in Cartersville, Georgia


Doug Walston: 1st Degree
U.S. Air Force, Retired. Specializes in Ba Gua Zhang and Dim Mak. Albuquerque, New Mexico. walstonda@gmail.com


Sherwin Hoagstrom & Hillary Broadbent: 1st Degree
Teach in New Mexico (NM) email:hoagstrom@gmail.com

Robert Moffett: 1st Degree
Wilmington, NC 28409 http://www.happyacupuncture.com
phone: 910-452-4786


Gary Romel: 1st Degree
Monterey CA 93940 http://flowingcombat.net/   garyromel@gmail.com
cell 310-594-1748


Jack Davis: 1st Degree
North Syracuse, NY 13212
315-457-8854 DragonBagua@gmail.com


Jack and Beverly Gustafson: 1st Degree
Teach Okinawan Kempo; Yang Style T'ai Chi & Qigong (W.T.B.A. Certified); as well as lead a Russian Systema training
group. They have been teaching martial arts since 1975.

St. Cloud Karate & T'ai Chi Instruction
c/o Jack & Beverly Gustafson

1514 3rd Street North
St. Cloud, MN 56303
Website: www.stcloudkarate.com
E-mail: jack@stcloudkarate.com
Phone: (320) 252-0144


Joseph Johnson: 1st Degree
Portage Michigan 49002. Portage MI U.S.A
Phone...269-324-0485  achopper692003@yahoo.com 
Kalamazoo Y.M.C.A
Classes...MONDAY 7-930PM...THURSDAY 7-930PM....
Courses in Taiji, Bagua, Dim-Mak, and Hand to Hand Combat


Dr. Daryl R. Covington: 1st Degree                                                                                          White Oak Martial Arts                                                                                                                       284 Hoover Road                                                                                                                           White Oak, North Carolina 28399                                                             Email: drdarylrcovington@yahoo.com                                                                                                 Phone: 910-991-5090                                                                                                                         Shinsei Hapkido Instructor                                                                                                                 WTBA Instructor in Dim Mak                                                                                                           Soon to be Teaching in Korea


Nick Adams: Grade 1 Basics Instructor

Park's Martial Arts HQ/ Salisbury, MD - Mondays and Wednesdays 8-9 p.m.

Email: info@parksmartialarts.com

Phone: 410-749-4888


Igor Shimansky: 1st degree

Baltimore Martial Arts and Fitness, Ellicott. City, MD - Mondays, Fridays 

teaching: WTBA Old Yang Style Taijiquan and Self Defense 

Phone: 813-73-TAIJI (813-738-2454)
